Yo! Baby 助眠好物大集合,開心搞定孩子睡好覺

對於爸媽來說,每晚最期待的事,就是孩子上床睡覺吧。孩子睡了以後,爸媽才終於可以喘口氣,連空氣都變得雀躍起來。睡眠對孩子(還有爸媽的自由)來說實在太重要了! 充足的睡眠幫助孩子擁有穩定的情緒、健康的身體。晚上10 點到凌晨2點更是促進孩子骨骼、肌肉和細胞發育的「生長激素」高峰期。若孩子沒有在10 前熟睡,那對孩子的生長發育還有爸媽的自由來說都得不償失阿! 今天我們就來一起看一下孩子的睡眠好物,讓爸媽輕鬆搞定孩子睡好覺。


孩子睡覺一直踢被子、擔心孩子著涼怎麼辦? 把柔軟的棉被衣穿在身上吧! 這兩款可愛的蘑菇及童趣森林六層紗棉被衣柔和的顏色無形中讓孩子感到平靜安心、透氣吸汗不悶熱的材質呵護孩子嬌嫩的肌膚;下擺兩側及最中間的小釦子設計佳,牢牢固定,即使是最好動的寶寶也不用擔心踢被又方便更換尿布。
款式分: 0~3歲即 3~7歲,不管是初生兒、幼童、兒童都可享受這款舒適的背心六層紗棉被衣,媽媽也不用半夜一直起來幫小孩蓋被子了。

有了柔軟的小棉被和舒適的棉被衣,怎麼可以缺少新生兒專用枕頭? 想要寶寶擁有美麗的頭型,但又擔心趴睡會有窒息風險好糾結怎麼辦? 試試這款透氣、涼爽又抗菌的成長枕。特殊的中央簍空設計使寶寶仰睡仍能擁有美麗的頭型,又巧妙避免趴睡的種種風險。醫療及泡棉具有抗菌、吸汗、防臭、恆溫等優良效果。不管寶寶吐奶還是流汗都不影響使用效果,媽媽們也不需要辛苦的清洗、曬枕頭好舒心。

一起來看看Yo! Baby 為寶貝準備的可愛夜燈,不管孩子喜歡互動式體驗地球儀、又或是Lego 迷,甚至想觀賞景物變化、燈光效果。這四款夜燈滿足孩子所有想像,溫柔可定時燈光照亮孩子童稚的心,守護孩子的美夢。
缺乏睡眠會阻礙小孩的成長(還有爸媽的自由時光) 。已有許多致力於睡眠研究的專家呼籲,睡眠對孩子來說不只是休息,還有學習、成長、頭腦發展等各種效果。在深度睡眠中,孩子的小腦袋就像 「睡眠電影院」,把白天學習的各種知識,重溫一遍。希望Yo! Baby 的這些助眠好物,幫助孩子日日睡好覺、媽媽每天都能準時下班,快樂追劇去。
Yo! Baby Best Sleeping Aid Collection~ Helping Kids Sleep Well Every Day
After a long and exhausting day, completing your tasks and putting your kids to bed can provide some much-needed relaxation time. Adequate sleep is crucial for your child's growth and development, and for parents, it's a chance to unwind. Deep, restful sleep is particularly important during the peak period of "growth hormone" from 10 PM to 2 AM, which supports bone, muscle, and cell development. Failing to achieve this restful sleep before 10 PM may have impact to your child's growth patterns and your personal time. We're here to help with some effective sleep aids for children that will ensure they sleep soundly every night. Check out Yo! Baby's Best Sleeping Aid Collection and give your child the gift of a good night's sleep.

If you're looking for a way to improve your child's sleep quality, a soft and comfortable gauze blanket is just what you need. Not only can children snuggle with the blanket and use it for comfort, but the breathable material also reduces the risk of suffocation even if they prefer to cover their head. Give your child the gift of a cozy and safe sleeping environment with Hoppetta high-quality gauze blankets.
Introducing Hoppetta Six-Layered Gauze Blanket – Champignon, available in three different sizes - large, medium, and small. Adorned with an adorable mushroom patterns on both sides, this blanket is sure to be loved by boys and girls alike. Made from lightweight and breathable material, these blankets can be used year-round, providing comfort during all seasons. The special interlaced weave and high-quality gauze make the blanket fluffy, soft, lint-free, and antibacterial, even softer with each wash. Holding this soft blanket is like a mother's gentle hand soothing a child into a peaceful, deep sleep. Give your child the comfort and security they deserve with the Hoppetta Six-Layered Gauze Blanket – Champignon.

Are you tired of constantly worrying about your child kicking off their blanket and catching a cold while sleeping? Our solution: a soft sleeping bag for your little one! Available in two cute patterns - mushroom and forest - this six-layered gauze sleeping bag will make your child feel calm and reassured. The lightweight, breathable, and sweat-absorbing material protects your child's delicate skin, while the small buttons on both sides of the hem and in the middle are designed to securely fasten the sleeping bag, even for the most active babies. Plus, the button placements make it easy to change diapers without having to remove the entire sleeping bag. Say goodbye to cold nights and hello to a peaceful night's sleep with our soft and secure sleeping bag for your child.
Our soft and comfortable six-layered gauze sleeping bag vest is available in two sizes - 0-3Y and 3-7Y, making it perfect for newborns, toddlers, and children of all ages. With this sleeping bag vest, your child can enjoy a peaceful night's sleep without the need for constant blanket adjustments. Mothers can finally rest easy knowing that their child is warm and secure throughout the night. Say goodbye to disrupted sleep and hello to a good night's rest for both you and your child with our versatile and comfortable six-layered gauze sleeping bag vest.

Since we have soft, comfortable Six-Layered Gauze Blanket and sleeping bag, how can we miss out a special pillow for newborns? If you want your baby to have a beautiful head shape, but worry about the risk of suffocation when sleeping on the stomach, what could we do? Try this breathable, temperature-regulating and antibacterial toddler neck pillow. The special central basket design enables the baby to have a beautiful head shape while sleeping on back, and cleverly avoids the risks of sleeping on the stomach. The medical grade hypoallergenic provides breathable, absorbent, antibacterial and superior support for your little sleepers. No effect on quality even if they spitting up milk or sweat while sleeping. Such a carefree product as mothers no longer have to wash and dry it under the sun.

Besides preparing soothing bedding items for kids, many children can’t stand being in the dark when lights are turned off at night.
In the child’s small head, they still don’t have ability to distinguish between reality and fiction. The big monsters that exist in their imagination or the scary pictures appearing on TV will arouse the child’s sense of fear. Parents could not only comfort them with words, but should also prepare a cute night light for bedroom to accompany their children. With a sense of security, it will be easier for the children to go to sleep with peace of mind.
Let’s take a look at the four cute night lights for bedroom that Yo! Baby has prepared for our babies. Whether children like cute little rabbits, being a Lego fans, or even want to simply watch the scenery changes under light effects, these four night lights will satisfy all children's imaginations. Gentle and timed lights illuminate children's hearts and guard their dreams.
Lack of sleep can hinder a child's growth (and free time for parents). Many experts dedicated to sleep research have claimed that sleep is not only for rest, but is also for learning, growth, and brain development. In deep sleep, the child's small head is like a "sleep cinema", revisiting all kinds of knowledge learned during the day. We hope these sleeping aids for children from Yo! Baby will help children sleep well every day, and mothers can get more free time daily and go watch TV happily.
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